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Thanksgiving Cooking Dangers and Your Pets

Two days until Thanksgiving and in some households the cooking has already begun! As the pressures of the holidays mount be sure you’re not overlooking your pets safety! We’ve done some of the work for you and put together a handy list of new risks you should be aware of as you gear your kitchen up!

Thanksgiving Cooking Dangers

  • Exposing poisons – Be careful while you hunt for that turkey platter or electric knife you only use once a year. In your rummagings, things like mouse poison, household cleaners or toxins, or other things you try to keep out of your pets space may become exposed or spill. Be aware of your environment, making sure once you’ve succeeded in your quest that the floor or counter is free of new debris.
  • New cords – With the unusually high volume of cooking it’s pretty common to break out new appliances or set things up in places you normally don’t. Make sure these are pet-free zones!
  • Food exposure – All those yummy smells are going to attract more than just your human guests! It’s best during the flurry of meal preparation to keep your pets put up. They’ll have a keen eye for dropped morsels and will likely be faster than you at the clean-up! While many things are harmless, a splatter of chocolate from your pie or errant bone can be lethal.
  • Hot things – Yes, you have hot things in your kitchen every time you cook, but this time of year it’s the volume of hot things that pose the risk. As you try to multi-task the danger to your pet (and yourself!) goes up! Try to not have more than one burner going at a time so you’re not handling boiling water, hot grease, and pans from the oven all at once!


photo credit: Petteri Sulonen Stir Fry via photopin (license)