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Happiness – A Lesson Best Learned From Your Pet

Pets might not talk human talk, but a quiet observation could tell us a lot about finding happiness! Dogs, cats, bunnies, and all creatures big or small have something to teach us about life’s greatest pursuit. Let’s listen!

Top Tips To Finding Happiness, From Your Pet

Take Naps – Lots of them. Every time the mood strikes you, no matter where you’re at.
Don’t be afraid to look silly – When you’re focused on the happiness of the moment, you’re not worried how others see you.
Show your love – Don’t play coy or hard to get. If you are happy to see someone, show it and show it often! (Try to not lick their face or pee on the floor though…)
Never stop playing – Make time every day for something you enjoy doing, no matter how old you are.
Love unconditionally, forgive – Pets don’t hold grudges and they’ll love you even if you don’t give them the time or treats you should.
Ask for what you need – Don’t be afraid to come right out and say it. It’s the best chance you have at getting what you need.
Be a problem solver – If there is a way out of an enclosure, or into the treat bag, your pet will find it. Solve your problems with the same determination!
Be thrilled with simple things – your pet finds happiness with relatively little. A chew stick? stuffed animal? or just having you near. Find simple things that make you happy and appreciate them.
Take a bath – Let it be a relaxing moment to reflect on yourself!

Make this face at least once a day for maximum happiness!

Be loyal – Don’t be looking for the next newest and greatest. Find a friend, partner, or pet that treats you well and commit yourself.
Live in the now – Do you think when you’re hanging with your pet they’re wondering about what’s for dinner? or they’re plans for tomorrow? Enjoy each moment for what it has to offer, not constantly thinking about the next.
Body language says a lot – Pet’s don’t game with a poker face. They express themselves through their body language and you should too!
Take walks and be a part of nature, not apart from it – Don’t get lost in the human world! Look at the leaves, smell the air, see how the sun reflects off the water and enjoy the simple things around you. Do it daily!
Don’t be bitter – Have you ever met a bitter pet? A pet that was upset because they didn’t catch that mouse or get to go for a ride? Learn to let things go and find your contentment!
photo credit: Creature Comfort via photopin (license)