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Tag: easter

Bunny Rabbits – Resist the Temptation!

Easter arrives this coming Sunday and with it all those things that signal spring is truly here to stay. From daffodils and blooming trees and shrubs to pastel colors and sun bathing. Something else that’s also prominent in the springtime are baby bunny rabbits! These little balls of cuddly fur with perfect little ears make their appearance every spring – especially around Easter.

While in some places the admiration of baby bunnies, and chicks, and ducks are part of the Easter festivities, they are also encountered in the wild too. Do you or your children really know how to handle bunny rabbits though? They are A LOT more complex than they seem. We wanted to hit on a couple high points as you encounter these lovely creatures this season.

Bunny Rabbits 101

  • Don’t take one home as a pet on a whim. We can’t stress this enough. They require so much consideration and specialized care and can live up to ten years or more. If you plan on getting a bunny rabbit as a pet, it is so important you do your research. They are not a cat or dog and have very different needs.
  • Don’t let your children pick them up without adult training and supervision. If a rabbit has been handled enough that you can pick it up, you must do so in a specific way. Many bunny rabbit deaths occur from improper handling that result in broken backs.
  • NEVER pick a rabbit up by it’s ears.
  • If you find a nest in the wild, leave it alone. The babies have not been abandoned. Rabbit mothers spend most of their time away from the nest to keep from attracting predators. Leave the babies be or the mother may reject them.
  • If you find a lost baby bunny rabbit outside the nest, or your cat or dog bring one in, it’s important that you know how hard it can be for them to thrive. If it still has the little white mark on its head, it is likely still far too young to survive without its mother. If it doesn’t have the star, call your local vet to ask if there is a wild animal rehabilitation center or similar organization you can hand it over to.

This season, we really can’t stress enough how important it is that wild bunnies be left to be wild bunnies and tame bunnies are well thought out and planned for before they come home with you!

photo credit: -Porsupah- Between worlds via photopin (license)

Happy and Healthy Easter Tips for your Pets

Easter season is a time of warm thoughts and feelings, as well as a reminder of God’s love. During Easter, we often get caught up in the excitment of Easter candy, children Easter egg hunting, and family-time. However, our pets do not need to go overlooked during this time. The following tips are a helpful reminder with Easter and pets.

  • Small pets make for BIG responsibility– Easter bunnies and rabbits may seem cute and cuddly, but they are also alot of work and time that goes into them. Just like any other animal, they need and crave love and attention. If the responsibility of a small animal is too much, a stuffed store-bought animal is a much better option.
  • Place Easter baskets in a HIGH place– Easter candy is filled to the brim in baskets of chocolate, a very hazardous ingestive food to your pet, especially your dog, and can be lethal. Other candies can cause intestinal problems, as well as other internal injuries.
  • Keep flowers out of REACH– Ingesting flowers, especially Easter lilies is very dangerous for your cat’s health, and will poison them, as well as internal organs in dogs. Call the Poison Control Center immediately if you suspect your pet has ingested lillies or any other flower you’re unfamiliar with.

As with any pet or potentially dangerous or hazardous items that could affect your pet, please use caution and judgement in providing the best care for your pet. Have a Happy and Blessed Easter!
