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Tag: cat care

Cat Questions Answered! Why Does….

If you’ve got yourself a cat, chances are you’ve probably asked yourself a dozen times, “Why does my cat ____?” They can certainly be mysteries to us sometimes! Some of this seemingly quirky behavior is just due to their unique personality. Other behaviors are often universal to all cats though. If you’re looking for some answers to better understand your kitty, we’ve found an amazing resource for all things feline related! has just about everything you could need to know about cat care and behavior. We highly suggest you check them out! In the interim though, here are some top behaviors explained!

Why does my cat ____?

  • …suddenly become playfully aggressive? Does your cat ever latch unto your arm or leg while biting with it’s ears back and a crazy look in it’s eyes after a play session? This is a sign your kitty is over-stimulated. Some cats get overstimulated quickly. Recognize when playful nibbles and paw batting starts to escalate and then give your kitty some time to calm down.
  • …my cat scent me? Does your kitty like to rub their paws on you, or their chins? These are all signs that your cat is scenting you with the scent glands located in these regions. When your cat does this, they are often marking their territory. It may sound domineering (and maybe it is…) but they do this often because you are their “chosen human”. This means they can more easily seek you out from other humans for food or snuggles.
  • …meow loudly at night? We all love our kitty’s voice, but not when we’re trying to get some much needed shut eye. Humans and cats make great companions, but they naturally keep different hours. While cats my lay around most of the day, they frequently will become more active at night when you are trying to sleep. Meowing can often mean there is a need you have failed to meet. Since your feline will be more active at night, try to make sure they have food, water, and a clean kitty box to help minimize demands!

Photo by Vinicius de Moraes on Unsplash

Cats and the Tips For Health and Happiness

Cats are pretty self-sufficient creatures. They keep to themselves aside from demanding your focus while you’re trying to do something else (reading anyone?). This doesn’t mean there aren’t important things that a cat owner need to know. Sometimes their ability toward self-reliance means their needs can be overlooked. Your best bet is understanding your cat’s needs and personality!

Cat naps in a sunny windowsill!

Tips For Your Cats Happiness

  • Grooming – Yup. It doesn’t matter that your cat takes baths all the time and is a fastidious groomer. Just like most other fur-covered animals they can benefit greatly from a regular brushing. A regular brushing, especially during shedding, can help cut down on fur balls. This ensures your cat’s got a happier belly and less clean up on  your end. Don’t forget to provide them with a good scratching post too to keep their nails trim!
  • Naps – We have the term “cat nap” for a reason! Cats will spend up to 16 hours a day sleeping – often times in short increments. It’s important that you respect their need for lots of sleep. Depending on your cat’s personality they may prefer to nap somewhere near you. Other cats may prefer to the most remote place your home has to offer. They will often like warm and/or sunny spots. Make sure your cat has easy access to their favorite nap spot!
  • Keep the Litter Box Clean – It’s no secret cats are clean animals! Keeping their litter box cleaned out makes for a happier cat and a cleaner home too! In addition to regular scooping be sure to wash your kitties box each time you change the litter with hot soapy water too! Don’t settle for the cheapest litter out there either. Opt for an eco-friendly variety that is free from harmful dust or chemicals that can cause health problems in cats over prolonged use.
  • Scheduled feedings – Keep your cat happy and healthy with a regular feeding schedule. Having a schedule can help keep you from overfeeding and prevent obesity. Many people find it works well to feed in the morning coinciding with family breakfast, and then again with the family dinner. A cat with constant access to food is at risk of obesity, a growing problem with cats in America that can lead to shorter, less happy life spans.

Bonus Tip: Cats LOVE empty boxes!

photo credit: My box! via photopin (license)
photo credit: The windowcat train has had a collision via photopin (license)