Paws – Amazing Facts About Your Pet’s Paws!
Paws, what do we know about them? Aside from most pets having four of them, not much! Did you know that your pets paws are a big part of how they experience the world? Check out these awesome facts and cultivate a broader appreciation for your pets feet!
Facts About Pet Paws
- The size and shape of your dog’s paw shows the type of climate they were made for. Large, wide paws are often found on breeds that come from cold climates with lots of snow. These large feet act like snowshoes! Furthermore, water breeds like Retrievers have webbed toes!
- Did you know that cat claws grow from the bones in their foot, not a nailbed like the human fingernail? This is why declawing is bad for cats!
- Both dogs and cats walk on their “toes” instead of their heels like humans do
- Some agile dog breeds have “cat-like” feet, with high arches and a narrow width. This allows them a better range of quick movements. Dobermans and Greyhounds are two breeds with “cat feet”.
- Cats have unique fingerprints too! Cat paws have unique grooves that leave unique prints. Did you know you can use your cat’s paw to unlock your iPhone?!
- The thick foot pads which make up the “paw” are actually made of fatty tissue deposits. This acts as an insulator allowing your pet to run around on snow or warm surfaces that would burn our sensitive feet. Please note though – while pet paws are better insulated they can still get frost bitten or burnt from hot asphalt!
- These thick foot pads also act as cushions and shock absorbers in cats, and help keep their steps quiet while hunting!
- People often say dogs don’t have sweat glands. Not true! Dogs have sweat glands on their noses and paws!
photo credit: Ifor’s baked bean paws via photopin (license)
photo credit: Mika Feet via photopin (license)
cat, cat health, cat paws, Cats, Dog, dog paws, Dogs, feet, health, paw facts, paws, pet care, pet feet, Pet nanny, pet owners, pet safety, pet sitter, pets, Summer